Example 20: Marcello Nizzoli

Nizzoli, Marcello. Cordial Campari. 1926. Lithographic Poster. The Ross Art Group, https://postergroup.com/products/cordial-campari-nizzoli-large-red-3743 

Italian graphic designer and illustrator working in Milan, Marcello Nizzoli created posters for companies like Cordial Campari liquor which is where he grew most popular. On top of advertisement posters, he created other magazine covers but in the 1950s, he created and sold typewriters. The poster design shown above in general is very classy and upscale with elegance in the moody color scheme that to me combines both applied and fine arts with the painted look of the poster. The type is thick and geometric along with different colors to prove a point. However, though the illustrations use geometric shapes and bright colors, the painted feel creates more of a 3D look rather than a 2D flat look. It's almost like a still life was painted from an obscure angle. I think this is a different poster example because of how the design is more 3D like Jean Carlu's ads rather than showing a more 2D design like AM Cassandre or even Roger Broder's poster designs. I think this is an important example because I was looking more into artists that ended up being unintentionally from Paris mainly, though that was where Art Deco was most popular and started from. It's interesting how a different country's take on Art Deco can be different and unique. 


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